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Fat Removal (Liposuction)

What is Fat Removal (Liposuction)?

Almost everyone can point to a part of their body they don’t like because of fat deposits. Where dieting can reduce the size of fat cells, liposuction removes these fat cells and contours the body. Liposuction or liposculpture improves your body shape by removing extra fat cells in your problem, areas and contouring the body.

Turkey provides services with very successful clinics in fat removal operation and other aesthetic applications on the whole body. Since fat removal surgery is often used in many aesthetics applications, clinics located in Turkey that are very successful in body aesthetics also stand out in fat removal operations.

Novarhealth Izmir is one of Turkey’s largest providers of liposuction and, unlike the majority of clinics and hospitals, we offer three different types of liposuction:

  • Traditional liposuction
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Smart Lipo Triplex Laser Liposuction

Liposuction can be carried out under local anaesthetic with sedation given by one of our experienced consultant anaesthetists and can take as little as a couple of hours. This means you can have your procedure in one of our contracted clinics and be home recovering on the same day.


Which Areas Can be Treated with Liposuction?

Fat deposits can be removed using liposuction from almost anywhere on the body. Commonly treated areas include:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Neck
  • Upper Arms
  • Male Breasts (gynaecomastia)

Liposuction can also be combined with other cosmetic procedures to enhance your new look.

In many cases, areas with fat deposits will not respond to dieting or exercise, and liposuction may be the only way to rid yourself of these troublesome parts of your body. Of course, liposuction is not a substitute for a good diet and exercise.


Which Liposuction Treatment Would Be The Best For Me?

For the vast majority of patients looking for liposuction, we recommend combining a fat-melting liposuction technique such as Vaser or Smart Lipo with gentle power-assisted liposuction from Microaire. We believe this gives the best results in terms of fat removal and is more comfortable.

Each technique has its advantages and disadvantages and our recommendation will depend on the area being treated, the amount of fat removal and skin shrinkage required, and if any other procedures are being combined with the liposuction. At consultation your surgeon will assess the condition of your skin & the areas you would like to treat, this dictates the length of time your surgery will take.

The Vaser Liposuction technique uses an ultrasonic wand that is placed under the skin. This shakes the fat cells apart so that they form a liquid and they can then be removed using liposuction. Vaser is very efficient at liquefying fat but causes little skin contraction. Novarhealth offers you the most experienced Vaser Clinics in Turkey and has conducted over a hundred cases over the last few years.

In comparison to Vaser, Smart Lipo uses a laser to heat and destroy fat cells prior to liposuction. The advantage of this heating is that it causes heating of the skin and therefore contraction of the skin to give a better final result. Unlike previous versions of Smart Lipo, the Triplex system uses a new wavelength of laser that is better suited to melting fat and therefore allows large volumes of fat to be removed safely, whilst maintain skin contraction.

Liposuction at Novarhealth’s contracted clinics is usually carried out as a daily case under local anaesthetic and sedation, this will be discussed in detail at your consultation.


Recovery From Liposuction

After your operation, you will be given adequate pain relief to keep you comfortable and you will have access to medical advice 24/7. You will have to wear a compression garment on the treated area for up to six weeks to aid recovery and promote the best possible result for you. As with all surgical procedures, there will be swelling and bruising post-surgery and as your body heals over the coming weeks you will be able to see your result, this can take up to six months as healing continues and your shape improves. 

It is important to be aware of the fact that it is best to keep your weight stable to enjoy the results from your liposuction long term. 

We would recommend that you look to take two weeks off from work and that you avoid strenuous activity for up to six weeks post liposuction. After three weeks you should be able to resume your normal daily activities, right after the surgery you will need someone to pick you up from the clinic, for that we provide you VIP transfer. 


Why Turkey, Why Novarhealth?

If Turkey is preferred for liposuction, you would be able to benefit from the additional advantages offered here. Apart from a unique healthcare, Turkey also offers the following advantages.

  • Easy access from many regions due to its location

  • The high level of cultural heritage and touristic activities

  • Successful clinics for patients who want to have combined procedures

  • Economically competitive options

  • A large service capacity with both living area/hotel and spa etc.

If Turkey is to be preferred for fat removal and liposuction, Izmir, where you can easily access each of the above opportunities, should be your first choice.

Novarhealth provides privileged opportunities to patients who want to have a fat removal application. This is because it has a large number of clinics with a well-equipped technical competence and experience in body aesthetics. Moreover, it is possible to reach each of the advantages offered by Turkey in a metropolitan city such as Izmir.

If liposuction is performed in the city of Izmir, exploring the city atmosphere in Izmir and cultural heritage values such as Ephesus can also be a part of the travel. Novarhealth considers every detail from the flight planning for you and welcomes you in very comfortable contracted hotels.